"It was very comfortable... it does a wonderful job at keeping the knee straight."Hear Paul's limb loss story and learn how his Limbguard ™ fitting set him on the path to prosthetic success, specifically when it comes to helping prevent knee contracture.
Paul makes a great point.
According to research, the number of days from amputation to casting for the initial prosthesis is significantly reduced when a rigid removable dressing is used post-operatively.
(Landenheim et. al. Results of managing transtibial amputation with a prefabricated polyethylene rigid removable dressing, Journal: J Prostheti Orhot. 2007L19:2-4)
(Landenheim et. al. Results of managing transtibial amputation with a prefabricated polyethylene rigid removable dressing, Journal: J Prostheti Orhot. 2007L19:2-4)